Chapter Two continued ...
Finding the superlatives to describe the wonder of this ever developing scenario we’d stumbled upon–without repetition–is difficult to say the least. And another thing, had we indeed stumbled upon it? That’s the way it looked to me, though it wouldn’t be all that long before we are told there was quite a bit more to this than meets the mortal eye.
Continuing to explore, and to get ever deeper into some utterly fascinating areas, my stubborn reluctance to shed any form of scepticism stayed firmly in place. But through all this, one unavoidable fact was striking me across the face again and again, and this was how so many, in fact virtually all of the answers being given, and indeed the interactions taking place - not just between us and them but also in the way they spoke about each other, bore no relationship to what we could have expected or been able to predict.
I kept asking, “where is this all coming from?”
Although our sessions were certainly taking on a more meaningful direction, we would still get, out of the blue, something happen that would change all of this. Were these people, these spirits exactly who they stated they were? Or was it one individual taking on the guise of many? At times it felt as though we were being messed with a little. Nevertheless, neither of us ever felt threatened, in fact often it was downright amusing.
Next are two examples that, even though hard to take seriously, add extra dimension to my view of this experience that we were having on the ouija board. Firstly, these characters were so off the wall that we couldn’t of made “it”, or “them”, up - certainly not with such ease and speed. So unless there was some quite remarkable unconscious process taking place, the indication would be that the source was outside of ourselves - even though it was coming through us.
Secondly, if it were something (an energy, a force) capable of taking on any guise it chose to, what kind of doubt in my mind or question mark does that place over some of the characters whom I found so enlightening?
So as we continued our session, here is what followed the previous three contacts during that same evening:
It's hard to take a conversation like this very seriously. Someone called “Brian” who apparently managed '“Notts” (naturally, I presumed it was Nottingham Forest he was talking about) and with that kind of attitude why didn't he just say his name was Brian Clough, and be done with it.
For those who are not familiar with the real Brian Clough, at that time, he was alive, well and still residing on this mortal plane.
When I first documented this session, here is what I wrote:
"Are we concocting this scenario; was it coming from the subconscious mind of one of us, or the both of us? If this is the case, what would explain the actual form or conciseness of the conversation? How many more subconscious characters might be waiting in line, and in what order will the unconscious decide they appear?
If it wasn’t our minds creating this, it’s then natural you ask - who is it? - and why would they choose to be so flippant? Perhaps it was just a bit of light hearted fun, or maybe something more sinister than that? Regardless, I never have a sense there could ever be a physical, or should I say an “actual” threat - that the only perceived threat would come from within oneself. It’s about what you think is happening more than anything else.
There are many real dangers in life that most of us accept without question; driving or being a pedestrian possibly carrying the greatest risks. Yet I can’t recall one paranormal fatality to speak of - an area to which considerable fear is so often attached."Although the above points might be credible, there were certainly times when an element of mischief became apparent on the part of those we spoke with, a subject I’ll discuss further in a later session.
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