Follow The Glass Chronicles

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Chapter Three. Part II.

Chapter Three. Part II.

So, as the evening of the 21st continued, from the frantic pace of Brenda, things began to settle down a little. At a much more manageable pace someone called Martin dropped by. This took me by surprise; I had known a “Martin” who’d died in a motorcycle accident a year or two earlier, though I couldn’t say he’d recently been on my mind. 

Martin was a very large figure of a man who’d taught piano and also played the piano accordion. Not long before his death we’d done some studio work together, and more recently I’d actually taken the recording of his accordion from that previous session, and re-used it on a new recording I made with John, the earlier mentioned actor friend of mine. 


  1. It is much more exciting than I have expected before ... While reading it, I feel like being with all them.

    1. It's great to know that you find it exciting, Conny. I feel the same as I re-read the pages. At the time it was like being on a roller coaster ride.

  2. wow I remember Martin very well and his accident this is so interesting and spooky at the same time, Carole do you remember when we did that seance at julie mc's house in frenchwood?

    1. Hi Keith, I'm glad you find this interesting. Hope all is well at your end.
      I'll pass on the message to Carol.
      Cheers, Ken.

  3. This is a silly comment, and I'm sorry for that. But I'm curious if you're writing down these responses letter-by-letter and getting complete words, or are you getting a general notion of a word, then filling in the missing parts to complete the word. I wonder this because both you and Tanina substitute "your" for "you're." I'm not trying to be critical, but just very curious about how much of this is conscious and how much is sub-conscious.

  4. Hey Don, not silly at all. I wrote things down letter-by-letter as the glass landed on them. That's not to say I got it right all the time, or even that words were spelt correctly by the glass.
    Plus, I explain early on–possibly in the introduction–that I added all the punctuation. Only on odd occasions have I added words, and when I have it's been at times when the sentiment was clear and unambiguous, never to change the meaning of a message.
    For me, much of this process involved attempting to find out if what took place came from our individual or collective sub-conscious - again, something I've written about, but I can say confidently that none came from the conscious mind; certainly not mine.
    Recently I've been scanning the actual pages, which I Intend to include on the blog very soon. Generally they are a bit messy and untidy, but when seen it might be easier to understand some of what you're asking about.
    I cannot definitively say that we were speaking to those who apparently claimed to converse with us, but I can definitively say that what I've written did actually take place, and that it fascinates (and inspires) me to this day.
    There's a lot more to come.
